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Fit @ 40 single mom

I remember how scared, vulnerable and overwhelmed I felt after my divorce. To deal and cope with the transition and take care of my my 6 year old daughter, was hard.

Saying that “life will change after divorce” is an understatement. You can expect countless moments of emotional highs and lows, mistake after mistake, and lots of self-doubts.

So, I went to see a therapist, someone who could show me some other way, the best way!

The Advise from my therapist was, " Sunaina you are going through a tough transition and now you need to start learning how to feed your soul with the things you love to do! Whether it is travel, active adventures, doing yoga, dancing, cooking, going on long walks, basically, whatever makes you happy! Don't act that you are happy with your life, actually be happy!! Doing what makes you happy is a radical act of selfcare that is so far from selfish. In fact, it’s selfless."

Children are very sensitive to our emotions and we can not disguise them by acting that we are ok, when we are not.

I know now from experience that when a mother puts her own oxygen mask on first, things are better for everyone… because she’s happier, kinder, more patient, more vital. She’s more present, and that presence is priceless.

And when I found my wildness, I not only wanted to teach my daughter on how to face fear and speak politely, but really how to live a life that matters, how to enjoy the depth, and breadth, and width of those experiences that make it remarkable.

As parents we have our own dreams and loves and fears and flaws. And I feel the biggest gift I can give my child is to have a mum who pursued that path, because it’s gives her permission to do the same.

Now, from being a scared and overwhelmed mom, I have a thriving social purpose business, a seemingly endless list of adventures on the cards, tones of friends, a great relationship, & a childlike sense of wonder.

I'm happy. I'm free. I'm wild. I feel empowered and I don't give a damn about what others think.

Let's be a role model for our kids to live courageously and step into their feminine power - no matter their age or ability. #happysoul

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